Monday, May 16, 2011

A little bit of confusion led to alexi and i doing each other's magazine cover. but nonetheless i used the type tool, gaussian blur, and the magic wand tool made this project possible. boom
Front cover of Tool's album Lateralus

Back cover of Tool's album Lateralus
using smart filters quick masking and the type tool

Monday, April 25, 2011

this took a very long time using multiple pictures and layers combined with text and some original ideas. my favorite of my work.
hue and saturation layers combined with the spot healing tool made this old cracked photo look smooth as eggs
the spot healing tool patch tool hue and saturation and gaussian blur made this girl appear to have perfect skin
patch tool spot healing tool and using hue and saturation we were able to to make this handsome man even more handsome 
patch tool and stamp tool eliminated the ugly wake and the tear in the corer